Bruxism is considered an involuntary nonfunctional activity of the masticatory system and is characterized by teeth clenching or grinding. ...
Bruxism is considered an involuntary nonfunctional activity of the masticatory system and is characterized by teeth clenching or grinding.
Classified as a psychophysiological disorder, it may occur during sleep or waking, consciously or unconsciously.
This habit is common during childhood and may have negative consequences on the stomatognathic system.
Its prevalence in children ranges from 7% to 15.1%8 and girls are more often affected. The etiology of bruxism is not completely elucidated10 and may involve local, systemic and psychological factors, or be related to sleep disorders.
The diagnosis of sleep consists of clinical signs and symptoms such as tooth wear, pain in the facial muscles, headaches reported or observed by polysomnographic changes (in cases of nocturnal bruxism).
Injuries in the tooth structure and supporting tissues of the resulting bruxism can lead to hypersensitivity to temperature changes, tooth mobility, injuries in the periodontal and periodontal ligament, hypercementosis, fracture cusps, pulpitis and pulp necrosis.
► Read Also : BRUXISM in children: A warning sign for psychological problems
Other complications associated with bruxism include gum recession, bone resorption, hypertrophy of mastication muscles and temporomandibular disorders.
Clinical interventions aim to protect dental structures, reduce ranger, relief facial and temporal pain and promote improvements in sleep quality.
The beginning of treatment is indicated when frequency, intensity and duration of the disorder begin to interfere with the normal development of the stomatognathic system orofacial structures.
However, there are controversies in literature regarding diagnosis and therapy and further studies are needed to fill this gap.
°RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia
°Thays de Almeida ALFAYA / PatrÃcia Nivoloni TANNURE / Roberta BARCELOS / Etyene Castro DIP / Luciana UEMOTO / Cresus VinÃcius Depes GOUVÊA
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